Thursday 11 June 2009

Update cause I'm too lazy to think of a name

long time no writing. Sorry about that.

It's not that I haven't been doing anything - it's that I have been doing so much.

Time is counting down until C girl goes to Kuala Lumpur for her interschool sports. We are so excited - we have now officially broken the one week to go mark.........wednesday here we come. I am going on the same flight and Jay is flying Friday morning and coming back sunday morning (we are flying back Sunday afternoon). I say we, but I mean me.......she is staying with the school and we are staying in the adjacent hotel.....not allowed to stay in the same hotel. It will be great - not only parent get together time, but supporting their team time (6 boys and 6 girls in each team, 4 different sports (T ball, Soccer, Athletics and Swimming). She has put a tonne of effort into her swimming this semester and wants to continue now from this point to say - I don't mind the early mornings and I have been going in with her - I want it to continue as well.

I have just come back from Kalimantan (the Indonesia state on the island of Borneo). I got to fly 1 hour instead of having to sit in the back of landcruiser for 10 hours (with bumps the size of the road and 1m deep - truly). Left monday morning - back Wed night - quickest trip ever.

We went to Singapore a few weeks ago. It was a great family vacation. Jay has been travelling too much (even missed easter holidays with us). We went with our friends and had a really nice time.
This photo was taken in Feb or March. I just worked out how to download (slack aren't I). All in soccer clothes for the 3 of the 5 games we had that day (Jay had one and C girl had another one in the afternoon). I think they look gorgeous.


More soon - will post some photos now that I have some (thanks Jenjen for giving me a cd with some).

Saddest thing - C girls very good friend who is a boy is leaving on the tuesday after interschool sports. I'm very sad on two fronts - his Mum has become a great friend, plus - he is a close friend of hers. They will be missed a lot......why do people have to care about silly things like careers that move families all over the globe.......okay.......we all might be guilty of that......

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